The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 2023 in JAPAN
The Organizing Committee of IPhO2023 happily announces to host the 53rd International Physics Olympiad from July 10th (Mon.) to 17th (Mon.), 2023, at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center in Tokyo.
After three consecutive irregular years of either postponement or on-line execution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope to hold the IPhO2023 as a regular, on-site, face-to-face event. We look forward to welcoming delegations from all over the world.
Message from the Organizing Committee of the 53rd International Physics Olympiad (IPhO2023)
Chairman, the Organizing Committee of the 53rd International Physics Olympiad (IPhO2023)
Honorary Professor Emeritus, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
2008 Nobel Laureate in Physics
Dear Colleagues
The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) inaugurated in 1967 has since kept brilliant record of stimulating young talented students and nurturing friendships among them, many of whom have proceeded to pursue their career in physics and related fields. Over the last three years, holding of IPhO was hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic. IPhO2021 in Lithuania and IPhO2022 in Switzerland were forced to be implemented in the on-line style. I would like to express my great respect to the organizers of the last two IPhOs and to the IPhO Secretariat for their efforts to pass the baton of IPhO in such difficult situations.
The Japanese physics community is honored to host the 53rd IPhO in Tokyo in 2023. Although we have to keep our eye on the evolution of COVID-19, we do hope to be able to hold the IPhO2023 as an on-site event for the first time in three years.
I wish you all to stay safe and healthy and look forward to meeting you in Tokyo in July 2023.
Message from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), JAPAN

Director, Human Resources Policy Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau,
the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT), Japan.
On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), I would like to express our hearty thanks to you all and announce our invitation to the 53rd International Physics Olympiad (IPhO2023) in Japan.
The Organizing Committee of IPhO2023 has been and is working hard to get ready for the IPhO2023, which is planned to be held in July 2023 in Tokyo.
Japanese physics community has contributed to the development of both fundamental and applied physics research, as highlighted by the Physics Nobel Prizes awarded to Professor KOBAYASHI Makoto in 2008, Professor AMANO Hiroshi in 2014, and Professor KAJITA Takaaki in 2015. These three eminent professors kindly agreed to carry the burden of chairing the IPhO2023 Organizing Committee.
I sincerely hope the IPhO2023 in Tokyo will be a memorable opportunity for young talented students from all over the world to engage themselves in the contest, and also to experience Japanese culture and make friendship with each other.
Thank you.
Message from the president of the Physical Society of Japan

Member, Organizing Committee of IPhO2023
President, The Physical Society of Japan
Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
On behalf of the Physical Society of Japan, I would like to extend my greetings on the occasion of the International Physics Olympiad 2023 in Tokyo.
Founded 146 years ago, the Physical Society of Japan is the oldest academic society of natural science in Japan. Since its early days, it has been conducting world-oriented research by publishing the international journals. The number of members who have received the Nobel Prize in Physics or Chemistry is fifteen so far.
The main activities of the society are to hold biannual meetings to exchange information on research results and to publish the international journals to present research findings, but we are also active in outreach activities to junior high and high school students. Support for the International Physics Olympiad is one of such activities.
The real fun of physics lies in unraveling unknown phenomena, and this requires a variety of experimental and theoretical skills.
In this IPhO2023, all participants will compete in these skills. I am sure you will enjoy honing your skills and feel a sense of accomplishment. However, we hope that you will look beyond that and challenge yourselves to solve the mysteries of profound physics in the future. I am also happy if you will use the Tokyo meeting as an opportunity to deepen exchanges with your peers from other countries and broaden your horizons.
Message from the president of Applied Physics Society of Japan

Member, Organizing Committee of IPhO2023
President, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Welcome to the International Physics Olympiad in Tokyo! As one of the most prestigious and respected competitions in the field of physics, the Physics Olympiad offers a unique opportunity for you to showcase your skills and knowledge on a global stage.
As the President of Applied Physics Society of Japan, let me share the attractions of “innovations by physics” with you. Our world is full of physics. Think of smartphones and high-speed internets you are using daily, facial or fingerprint authentication by AI, and autonomous driving of electric vehicles, all of which did not exist 30 years ago but have been enabled by sophisticated technologies based on physics.
Physics has huge potential to change the world. You should also be aware that innovation often requires highly interdisciplinary approaches, with strong collaborations between physics and electrical, mechanical, chemical, and biomedical engineering. With your fertile imaginations and proactive actions, I sincerely hope that especially talented high school students fascinated by physics have ambitious dreams and contribute to various technological innovations that will bring more prosperous and sustainable societies in the future.
Message from the Physics Education Society of Japan president of the Physical Society of Japan

Member, Organizing Committee of IPhO2023
President, The Physics Education Society of Japan (PESJ)
Professor, Tokyo Gakugei University
On behalf of The Physics Education Society of Japan (PESJ), I would like to welcome you to the 2023 International Physics Olympiad held in Tokyo.
More than half of PESJ members are secondary school teachers who are responsible to educate students at your age. I would like to emphasize that education in a school is not only for learning class subjects, such as physics, but also provide many other resources, or “seeds”, for your successful future.
There is no doubt that, among them, friendships are the most valuable thing.
I hope all of you take this unique opportunity to make friends from all around the world as well as enjoy physics competition.