Special support message

Special support message from Rigaku Corporation for IPhO2023
Cheering message for IPhO2023 Japan
Rigaku Corporation was founded in 1951 as a manufacturer of X-ray analytical instruments with the corporate philosophy of “Contributing to the development of human society through the advancement of science and technology”.
Seventy years after its founding, Rigaku’s X-ray analysis technology has contributed to the evolution of modern crystallography in Japan and to the development of industry worldwide, and is closely related to innovative discoveries in various fields of science and technology, including the determination of the helical structure of DNA, the discovery of enzymes, and new materials such as fullerenes, nanotubes, graphene.
“Snow is a letter from heaven.” were the words of Ukichiro Nakaya, a Japanese crystallographer who studied snow crystals in the 1930s. We hope that the International Physics Olympiad will provide you with an opportunity to experience Japanese culture and deepen your international exchange on this dream stage, while at the same time sparking your interest in crystals, which are all around us.
We sincerely support your success.
Rigaku Corporation