Special support message

Special support message from RIKEN KEIKI Co., Ltd. for IPhO2023
RIKEN KEIKI Co., Ltd. was founded in 1939. Since the establishment, we have developed numerous gas detectors and sensors for a wide range of industrial sectors to eliminate gas-related accidents. We will contribute to the realization of environments where people can work with peace of mind.
More recently, while continuing to nurture relations with all stakeholders, the company has also striven to provide solutions to broad-ranging social issues and achieve sustainable growth alongside society.
We hope that IPhO2023 will be a truly memorable occasion for all those selected to participate as representatives of their country. The event marks a rare opportunity for students from all over the world to come together. We believe it will serve as a major source of inspiration for all participants. Albeit for a limited period of time, we sincerely hope you have a pleasant stay in Japan.