Special support message

Special support message from The University of Tokyo Edge Capital Partners Co., Ltd. for IPhO2023
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on holding Japan’s first International Physics Olympiad.
Since our inception back in 2004, the University of Tokyo Edge Capital Partners Co., Ltd. (UTEC), in a broad collaboration with academia in Japan and abroad, including the University of Tokyo, has been making venture capital investments to create new industries to solve global issues of humankind, by bringing together capital, talent, and knowledge; around science and technology.
To date, we have managed five funds totaling approximately JPY 85 billion and have invested in nearly 150 technology-based startups with entrepreneurs and scientists in various fields. We are grateful to all of you who have sought to contribute to the development of physics and other sciences.
We sincerely support the success of all the participants in this competition and sincerely hope that this competition will lead to the further development of physics.
The University of Tokyo Edge Capital Partners Co., Ltd.